
The Evolution of an SEO Specialist

During the years from 2008 to 2014, the term “SEO” was relatively unheard of in Bangladesh, and there was no significant demand for SEO specialists in the local market. However, despite the lack of awareness, a few individuals ventured into the world of SEO without fully understanding what their future held. The number of people familiar with SEO was limited, and those who were learning about it faced significant difficulties due to the scarcity of learning materials and the absence of training opportunities. I was one of these individuals who embarked on this journey, finding SEO to be fascinating and relishing the challenges it presented. My love for taking on challenges led me to dive into the world of SEO, even though it was an unexplored territory in Bangladesh at that time.

Pujan Kumar Saha - SEO Specialist in Bangladesh

Hello everyone, this is Pujan Kumar Saha, a business student turned digital marketing enthusiast. Starting from my initial foray into learning SEO to eventually becoming a professional Digital Marketer. Over the past decade, I have dedicated myself to mastering the intricacies of SEO and leveraging its power to drive online success. Join me as I share my extraordinary career journey and highlight the significant impact I have made in the realm of Digital Marketing in Bangladesh.

The Turning Point

call from Targetoo

Just after the week of completion of my BBA degree, a pivotal moment presented itself—a phone call that would shape the trajectory of my professional journey. Targetoo, a prominent mobile advertising company in the Netherlands, reached out to me after discovering my comprehensive and up-to-date LinkedIn profile and recognizing my dedication and expertise in SEO. Intrigued by my profile, they extended an invitation for an interview, ultimately leading to an offer as an SEO specialist in August 2016. This marked a defining milestone as I officially commenced my professional career in the SEO industry.

Nurturing Expertise and Expanding Horizons

During my tenure at Targetoo, I thrived in a dynamic environment, working diligently to craft and execute effective SEO strategies. This included conducting comprehensive site analyses, identifying optimal keywords, and implementing cutting-edge SEO techniques to enhance Targetoo’s online visibility. The results were remarkable, with a notable 40% increase in online sales attributed to the successful implementation of SEO strategies.
In addition to my SEO responsibilities, I also had the opportunity to delve into the realm of programmatic advertising. I dedicated time to learning about programmatic advertising and subsequently took on the role of Ad Operations personnel, where I actively served in this capacity.

My Targetoo Team

Broadening My Skill Set

at Bikroy.com

Life at Bikroy as SEO Specialist

Having completed a tenure of one year and eight months at Targetoo, where I successfully fulfilled my responsibilities, I decided to seek fresh challenges and opportunities for personal and professional growth. Consequently, I embarked on a new chapter in my career by joining Bikroy in April 2018, the largest marketplace in Bangladesh, where I assumed the role of an SEO specialist. While SEO remained my core expertise, I embraced additional aspects of digital marketing such as social media marketing, PPC, email marketing, app push marketing, and web push marketing.

Throughout my tenure at Bikroy, I continued to enhance my skills as an SEO specialist. I meticulously conducted keyword research, analyzed site performance, and implemented content marketing strategies to drive organic traffic. As I delved into the realm of social media marketing, I managed and monitored Bikroy’s social media accounts, leveraging both organic and paid campaigns to boost user engagement and increase conversions.

Leading the Digital Marketing Space

at Dcastalia

In April 2020, my track record of success and expertise in the digital marketing realm propelled me toward an exciting opportunity at Dcastalia, a leading software development company. Eager to take on new challenges, I embraced the role of Digital Marketing Manager with enthusiasm. In this position, I not only provided exceptional SEO services to our clients but also played a vital role in expanding our digital marketing offerings.

During my tenure at Dcastalia, I actively sought to broaden my knowledge and skill set across various channels of digital marketing. I delved into the intricacies of PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising, honed my skills in Search Engine Marketing (SEM), explored the dynamics of Social Media Marketing (SMM), and leveraged the power of Content Marketing and Email Marketing strategies. This comprehensive approach allowed me to develop a holistic understanding of digital marketing and effectively utilize multiple channels to drive results.

One significant milestone during my time at Dcastalia was when I embarked on a journey as a Business Developer. This role not only sharpened my pitching skills but also provided invaluable experience in selling our Digital Marketing Services to potential clients. Through effective communication and persuasive techniques, I successfully showcased the value of our services and fostered strong client relationships.

Overall, my tenure at Dcastalia was a period of immense growth and learning. It allowed me to expand my expertise, strengthen my business development skills, and make a positive impact on the company’s digital marketing endeavors.

Dcastalia team

The Launching and the Journey Forward​

at Digitomark

Digitomark team

Building upon the success achieved at Dcastalia, my management team recognized the potential to launch a dedicated Digital Marketing Agency. And as a result in June 2022, I collaborated closely with the management team to establish Digitomark, a comprehensive digital marketing agency. Taking on the role of Team Lead, I assumed responsibility for overseeing a talented team of 15 professionals, nurturing their growth, ensuring smooth operations, and driving them toward ambitious targets. My primary focus was on expanding our client base and elevating the agency’s presence in the industry.

In an impressive display of progress, Digitomark swiftly onboarded a diverse range of clients, both locally and globally, within a mere six months of its inception. These clients included prominent brands such as Haier, Mir Group, Concord Real Estate, Shanta Holdings, Reel Star, Rancon, Anwar Landmark, PFEC, Greendelta Insurance, Mobil, United Hospital, and many more. Their trust in our capabilities validated our expertise and positioned Digitomark as a reputable digital marketing partner.

Through strategic planning, effective communication, and a relentless commitment to client success, Digitomark achieved significant revenue milestones, bolstering the agency’s growth trajectory. As we continue to expand our reach and capabilities, our focus remains on finding and onboarding new clients, while consistently delivering exceptional results that drive their digital marketing endeavors forward.

Pujan - SEO Specialist in Bangladesh

The Pursuit of Knowledge and Excellence

In the early stages of my career, there were limited resources and training centers for SEO learners in Bangladesh. Consequently, I relied on self-learning and embarked on countless experiments, engaged in research and development, and embraced trial and error to refine my SEO strategies. Although failures were inevitable, each setback served as a valuable lesson, enriching my experience and further fueling my drive for success.

I firmly believe that there is no alternative to reading to keep oneself updated in the ever-evolving SEO industry. I dedicate significant time to staying informed about the latest trends, algorithm updates, and best practices by following different channels every day. By leveraging this knowledge, I ensure that my clients receive the most cutting-edge and effective SEO strategies, driving their online success.

From my early days as a self-learner to leading a thriving digital marketing agency, my journey as an SEO specialist in Bangladesh and global market has been a testament to my dedication, passion, and pursuit of excellence. Through continuous learning, staying abreast of industry trends, and pushing boundaries, I have consistently delivered exceptional results for my clients.
